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Which Crown Will I Embrace? - Blessed Is She

Which Crown Will I Embrace?

The readings today are powerful as always. But it is the First Reading that really grabs me with its inherent contradictions. Saint Paul tells the Philippians that his "joy and...
November 07, 2014
Gaining Christ - Blessed Is She

Gaining Christ

  We live in a world obsessed with success. Blaring messages of perfection and so-called true satisfaction beckon to us. Magazine covers and Pinterest offer us the steps to obtaining...
November 06, 2014
No More Pining Away - Blessed Is She

No More Pining Away

Today’s Gospel Reading is one that can be hard for some to manage. As a convert to Catholicism, I hold it dear because I chose to leave my roots and...
November 05, 2014
Filling the Master's House - Blessed Is She

Filling the Master's House

Today's Gospel passage shakes me; it makes me nervous. I read it and pray, "Oh shoot, Jesus! Save me from myself!" My days are filled with excuses. Groceries to put...
November 04, 2014
Humility. It Is No Joke. - Blessed Is She

Humility. It Is No Joke.

Humbly Seeking Humility. Selfishness. Its a killer. If you didn't pick up on the theme in the First Reading, welp, it's reiterated in the Gospel too, don't worry. Did you...
November 03, 2014
Hope Does Not Disappoint - Blessed Is She

Hope Does Not Disappoint

I used to work in a hospital where a dove sticker was placed above a patient's door shortly after he or she passed away. This sticker, which was not much...
November 02, 2014
Shining Light, Shine On - Blessed Is She

Shining Light, Shine On

What rich and beautiful readings God gives us today on this Feast of All Saints. First, Saint John’s striking revelation of the “great multitude which no man could number ....
November 01, 2014
We are Not in this Alone - Blessed Is She

We are Not in this Alone

Do you have a Paul or Timothy in your life? Someone who is filled with the Spirit? From whom God’s love just overflows? Today I had the gift of attending...
October 31, 2014
The Battlefield. The Battle. The Gear. - Blessed Is She

The Battlefield. The Battle. The Gear.

We all have a battle we are facing. The Enemy ultimately is always the same: that little rascal snake. The hardest battle in our lives we face is choosing Christ...
October 30, 2014
The Response - Blessed Is She

The Response

If you were fortunate enough to make it to Mass today (I was not), you heard this Psalm refrain: The Lord is faithful in all his words (Psalm 145: 13...
October 29, 2014
The Household of God - Blessed Is She

The Household of God

  Full disclosure: some days I have no clue how to run a household. My husband and I have one house, two jobs, and three kids to take care of....
October 28, 2014
A Seamless Love - Blessed Is She

A Seamless Love

Were you ever that kid in class? You know the one I mean; the one with all the questions and the smart retorts. The one who always knew better than...
October 26, 2014