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Trade Scrolling for Obedience - Blessed Is She

Trade Scrolling for Obedience

“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna, into the...
February 24, 2022
Stretch Out Your Hand to Love - Blessed Is She

Stretch Out Your Hand to Love

“Looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart, Jesus said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ He stretched it out and his hand was...
January 19, 2022
Go in Haste with Chicken Pot Pie - Blessed Is She

Go in Haste with Chicken Pot Pie

"Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth." // Luke 1:39 She...
December 19, 2021
Amaze Jesus with Your Faith - Blessed Is She

Amaze Jesus with Your Faith

I realize my desire to have a welcoming home for Jesus comes at my family’s expense. “Put your toys away. Let’s try to keep the house tidy for Jesus’ birthday....
November 29, 2021
Persistence in Couponing, Persisting in Faith - Blessed Is She

Persistence in Couponing, Persisting in Faith

I wouldn’t say my mom is a coupon queen exactly. I have seen coupon queens, and they don’t mess around. They carry around their coupons in alphabetical order and keep...
November 13, 2021
The Interior Life Longs to See Him - Blessed Is She

The Interior Life Longs to See Him

The last time I had visited Mountain Charleston, I wasn’t a wife or a mother yet. This time, I stood, surveying the pine trees in front of me, inhaling the...
October 24, 2021
The Word Resides in You - Blessed Is She

The Word Resides in You

The last two summers our parish has been blessed by the presence of a visiting priest from Chicago, Illinois. His homilies exude deep interior reflection with the gentleness of a...
September 01, 2021
Never Out of God's Sight - Blessed Is She

Never Out of God's Sight

I arrived in Puebla, Mexico in January 2007, grieving the loss of my father the past October. I was ready to unleash my hurt, anger, and rebelliousness in a land...
August 25, 2021
Family Dysfunction, Forgiveness, and Mercy - Blessed Is She

Family Dysfunction, Forgiveness, and Mercy

In today's reading we hear that "Pharaoh directed all the Egyptians to go to Joseph and do whatever he told them” (Genesis 41:55). It gets me thinking about the price...
July 07, 2021
Sarah's Laughter Is My Doubt - Blessed Is She

Sarah's Laughter Is My Doubt

Abraham’s warm hospitality is a gift that he gives freely to his visitors in today’s reading from Genesis. He ensures that they are cared for and well fed. God multiplies...
June 26, 2021
Freedom through Forgiveness - Blessed Is She

Freedom through Forgiveness

In today’s reading, we see the powerful witness of what it means to not only forgive your enemy but to immediately love them and serve them in return. A couple...
May 11, 2021
In the Name of Jesus, Words Can Bring Healing - Blessed Is She

In the Name of Jesus, Words Can Bring Healing

I remember towards the end of a phone call with my friend, she said, “Let's pray!” We blessed ourselves over the phone, and I closed my eyes as she began...
April 07, 2021