And one of them, realizing he had been healed, returned, glorifying God in a loud voice; and he fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. // Luke 17:15-16
“All right, everyone, let’s hear it. What are you thankful for?”
It was a surprising question, considering we had gotten out of the habit years ago—even more surprising given who was doing the asking.
Ever since I could remember, my parents never concluded a Thanksgiving meal without encouraging all who were gathered to share one thing they were grateful for in the past year. If I'm honest, this recurring holiday ritual was likely to incite a ripple of groans around the dinner table before we each gave in and gave thanks for the things that mattered most. Our blessings shared were typically the same: good health, family, the food on our plates, and the perfectly browned crust of the pumpkin pie (Uncle Buddy’s favorite). But every so often, someone would get creative, like the year my sister used the occasion to reveal she was pregnant with her second child. There was no topping that one!
For some reason, be it the shift in family dynamics or the stress of my dad's worsening health conditions, we started to grow lax with this long-standing tradition. But now, here was my father casually asking the familiar question over a bowl of cranberry sauce. And when it was his turn to give a response, he simply said, “I’m just thankful to be here.”
Like the grateful leper in today’s Gospel (see Luke 17:11-19), my dad was, by all outward appearances, the least likely to verbalize that statement. Despite all that his physical and mental impairments had taken from him, he recognized the need to be thankful even when nothing is received. And so he “[glorified] God in a loud voice” (Luke 17:15) for the gift of his life.
Sister, our very existence is a gift flowing from the generosity of God. When the crosses are burdensome and blessings seem scarce, let this truth sink deep into your soul as you fall at the feet of Jesus and pour out your gratefulness, praising Him with your heart and your life. Have you thanked the Lord today?