Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Matthew 18:12-14
Reflect on the Word//
Years ago we experienced the terrifying moments of thinking we had lost a child. It was a warm summer evening, and I remember watching the kids run back and forth through the kitchen window in a game of hide-and-seek as I finished preparing dinner. It wasn’t until we gathered around the table to pray that we realized someone was missing, and as everyone's gaze met each other’s, we all simultaneously realized that she had been missing for a while. Everyone figured someone else had seen her, but no one had. I’ll save you the panic—we found her. She had picked a hiding spot and had fallen asleep there.
But that isn’t the point; the point is that for a few really, really scary, fleeting moments, no one cared about anyone but her. Like the Good Shepherd, who left the ninety-nine (see Matthew 18:13), we dropped everything and searched. Dinner was forgotten, personal cares or needs were sidelined, tears started to fall, all that mattered was her. And when we found her, all sleepy eyed and out of sorts, we, like the Shepherd, all rejoiced. Our little one had been found.
Today’s Gospel has to strike a chord in each one of us. Whether we relate to seeking another or being sought, we all know the deep and powerful significance of being found. We have been found.
Not only are we humbled by the love in which we are sought, deeper than human love, deeper even than motherly or fatherly love, than sisterly or brotherly love, than tears. We are humbled at how utterly lovable we are to the Father, Who leaves all behind to come for us. In His deep and abiding love, we are found.
Relate to the Lord // Ask the Lord to highlight someone you can seek out and share His love with today.