Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but [Jesus] was asleep. // Matthew 8:24
“It’s okay,” I whispered soothingly, trying to coax my shaking dog—all 120 pounds of him—into the vet’s office. It was a routine checkup, but he couldn’t understand that. To him, this environment was filled with scary things. As he squirmed and whimpered in the waiting room, I sat firmly in place and serenely patted his head. The most helpful thing I could do was set the tone and remain calm for him.
Jesus does the same for us.
Often we don’t get it, assuming that the Lord is indifferent or absent in our difficulties. Fear prevents us from recognizing that these difficulties can be medicinal for our souls. It’s far easier to shout in accusation, “God, why are You asleep?!”
Yet rather than asking Jesus why He’s seemingly sleeping on the job, what if we were to ask Him instead, “ . . . why are You not afraid?”
We might hear Him answer, “There’s no need to fear because I am here with you. Your danger is not the greatness of the storm, but in trying to weather it without Me.”
When we doubt the Lord’s attentiveness and try to take matters into our own hands, we quickly begin to sink. When we invite the Creator of the Universe into our every circumstance, we will be eternally safe—even when external factors seem to rage out of control.
Without Him, we are ultimately helpless and have every reason to be afraid. But with Him in our boat, there’s no reason to fear—whatever the weather.
What voyages have you embarked on lately that exclude your Loving Lord? How have you been trying to bail out your sinking soul to no avail? What faulty life preservers do you reach for in lieu of Him?
Today, invite Him back into the boat with you. No physical or emotional storm, no seemingly uncharted waters, no weakness of yours can capsize Him. Let Him be unafraid for you. Let His presence be enough. Let Him be the only lifeboat you seek.