At an earlier period of my life, I spent a joyful, yet challenging, chapter as a Discalced Carmelite nun.
During those years of cloistered prayer and contemplation, my religious name was Sister Maria Michael of Christ the King, O.C.D., and for me, each season of Advent upon entry to the monastery till present-day as a laywoman has been a particularly special time. In the quiet stillness of the monastery, surrounded by the expectant hush that precedes the Nativity, I found myself drawn even closer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Through her example, Mary gifted me with three life lessons that continue to guide me through the darkness and light, the joys and sorrows, of life outside the cloister walls.
Today, I want to share these gifts with you, dear friend, in the sincere hope that they may also become a source of strength and inspiration during your own Advent journey.
Lesson One: Hope’s Flame Burns Bright, Even in the Gloom
Imagine the long journey which our Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph undertook. A young woman, heavy with child, traveling a vast distance on the back of a donkey, all amidst the uncertainty of finding a safe haven for the birth of their Son.
We can only speculate on the anxieties swirling within them. Bethlehem, bustling with activity for the census, offered no refuge. Inns were full, doors slammed shut. The darkness must have felt overwhelming.
Yet amidst the physical discomfort and societal rejection, our Lady clung to hope.
Hope, dear friend, is not a fleeting emotion; it is a deep-rooted trust in God’s promises.
In the quiet of the stable, surrounded by the lowing of animals and the scratch of straw, hope bloomed. Luke 2:7 tells us, “And she gave birth to her firstborn son” and “wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
Though the birthing place was not what they envisioned, it was a place of fulfillment, a humble cradle for the King of Kings.
As we approach the conclusion of this Advent, when anxieties threaten to cloud your spirit, remember our Lady—our Mother Most Hopeful. Remember that hope, however flickering, can illuminate even the darkest corners. Trust in God’s plan, even when it takes you down unexpected paths.
Lesson Two: God’s Delays are Not Denials
Remember the story of the Visitation? Filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, Mary hurried to Elizabeth, her aged cousin, who was also miraculously pregnant. In their meeting, Mary’s Magnificat, a song of praise and thanksgiving, rings out (see Luke 1:46-55).
Elizabeth, upon hearing Mary’s greeting, is filled with the Holy Spirit as well. Their encounter is a beautiful reminder that during times of waiting, we are not alone.
Think back again to the long journey to Bethlehem. Perhaps our Lady yearned for a comfortable room, a warm fire, a welcoming home.
But God, in His wisdom, had chosen a different path—a path that would lead to a humble stable, a place imbued with a unique kind of beauty and significance.
Dear friend, God’s ways are not always our ways.
When our prayers seem unanswered, when our desires remain unfulfilled, it doesn't mean God isn't listening.
Instead, let us remember the Visitation: Mary’s presence brought joy and the Holy Spirit to Elizabeth.
In times of waiting, God might be preparing something even more wonderful for us.
Lesson Three: Even in the Stable, Divinity Shines
The stable where Jesus was born might not have been Mary’s ideal, but it became a place of immense glory.
Shepherds, guided by the star, arrived to worship the newborn King. Angels sang praises. The humble surroundings were transformed by the sheer presence of the Divine.
Let this be a reminder, dear friend, that God can work in any situation, no matter how ordinary or challenging. He can transform our lives, our relationships, and even our anxieties into opportunities for growth and grace.
During the remainder of Advent and as we enter the Christmas season, let us open ourselves to the Divine working in our lives, even in unexpected places.
These, dear friend, are just a few of the treasures I gleaned from our Lady during my time in the Discalced Carmelite cloister.
May these lessons continue to bless you, as they do me, during this Advent season and throughout your life.
Remember, hope remains, even in the dark.
God’s delays are most definitely not His denials, and even the most ordinary places can be touched by the extraordinary.
On this note . . .
Let us finish our journey together through this Advent with hearts open, ready to receive the gifts that our Lady offers—the gifts of hope, trust, and the knowledge that God’s Presence illuminates every aspect of our lives.
OnyebuchiMaria “O'Maria” Akpati is a Nigerian-American Catholic, true beauty advocate, high-octane speaker, writer, digital storyteller, communications consultant, social media influencer, and soon-to-be author of Growing Godfidence: Discover The Theology of True Beauty. She resides near Washington D.C. and, when not communicating about beauty through digital media, she is likely found drawing calligraphy, kickboxing, cooking gut-healthy meals, singing Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony in her nearby parish's schola, sewing modest clothing and priest vestments, or strengthening her gifts in hospitality and real estate development. She can be found online here or here.