If you were to ask ten people to define peace, you would probably get ten different answers. Often definitions of peace equate it to being free from anxiety, having harmony in relationships, or living civilly among nations.
While the desire for peace in all aspects of life is good, all too often definitions of peace come from the world, which teaches that we can only experience peace once everything in life is going well. Peace is only accessible if all of our ducks are in a row and there are no storms in our lives.
Perhaps that is why peace feels so unattainable—because life is not perfect, nor is it ever free from problems or pain.
Jesus: The Source of True Peace
Jesus offers a different definition of peace, a peace that can wash over us like a stream of light amidst a summer storm and that we can safeguard in our hearts, even when life seems anything but peaceful.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27).
When we let go of the false peace the world offers and shift our trust to the true peace found only in Christ, we finally begin to experience the peace we have been longing for. And we even experience it despite our unchanging circumstances.
But how do we make that shift? How do we experience true peace in the midst of hardship and heartache?
The Promise of Peace
This summer, the Blessed Is She community will dive deep into Christ’s peace through a new devotional, The Promise of Peace. For twenty-one days, we will pray for and reflect upon the peace Christ promises by taking a closer look at three areas in which we all desire true peace:
- In our minds and hearts
- In our relationships
- In the world around us
Three Blessed Is She writers will offer a week’s worth of ways to contemplate peace, totaling twenty-one days of prayer and reflection that you can move through at your own pace this summer. We will incorporate Scripture for meditation, Church teaching to study, and Saints to guide us along the way. Each writer will share personal anecdotes that breathe life into the concept of peace, which all too often feels just out of reach.
At the end of our exploration of peace, our hope is that our community will come to know the Prince of Peace, Who offers “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). So we will be able to practically live Christ’s true peace in our everyday lives.
To join us, simply download The Promise of Peace from the BIS shop. We will converse about it in the BIS Membership Community, and you are welcome to share insights on social media.
Let Us Pray
As we begin our time with The Promise of Peace, let us pray together:
Holy Spirit, no matter where we go, You are there. No matter what we do, You are there. In the storms of life, You shine Your light and refresh us with Your love. As we journey through The Promise of Peace this summer, help us to look to You in the midst of our crazy to-do lists and unexpected crosses. Remind us that it is in You alone that we find peace. Amen.