As Catholics we know that we are the primary teachers of our children whether we homeschool them, send them to parochial school, or do a hybrid of both for them (see CCC § 2223). As parents we rely on our school and parish communities to help us raise them to be good and holy adults.
Starting a new school year can create many mixed feelings not only for ourselves, but for our kids as well. Education and our ability to learn is a gift and as parents we can fall into the temptation to believe that worldly achievement via academics, athletics, or other extracurriculars is how we help build up the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. We have to continually remind ourselves to live counter-culturally. For we know that achievement in any arena isn’t the end goal but the beginning of forming our child’s mind to cultivate a desire of knowledge that will help them to know and love God and that will someday bear fruit for the Universal Church.
As we begin a new school year, let us keep the education of our children in our prayers. Below are back-to-school prayers for all those who are going back to school: students, teachers, and parents alike.
Prayer for Parents
Father in Heaven, help me prepare my heart and mind for this school year. May my ears be willing to listen in the moments my child(ren) need(s) to unload or share what is on their mind. Help me to release anything that causes me to put other things before the voice of my child(ren). May my eyes be open to their needs. May I be available to see when they are struggling and be a source of joy on the days they feel discouraged. May my arms always be a place of comfort and a reminder that they are loved because of who they are, not because of what they do outside the walls of our home. Deliver me from worldly expectations and standards that I may be tempted to project onto my child(ren). Father, thank You in advance for every person that will teach, guide, instruct, or interact with my child(ren) throughout this school year. Amen.
Prayer For Teachers
Jesus, thank You for the calling of teachers. Thank You for the work they do to instill a love of learning. May they know the value of their work and see the love of Jesus in every single student. May their classrooms exude a Christlike learning environment. May it be a space of encounter and fertile ground that will allow the growth of deep roots in the truth and bear fruit over the years. Help them to have hearts that are ready to serve the needs of their students. To be caring and joy filled while teaching. To remember that teaching isn’t simply a job but an opportunity to cultivate a desire for knowledge that points to You. Thank You for the sacrifice of teachers who arrive early, stay late, and go the extra mile to ensure their students’ needs are met. May this school year be filled with the truth and goodness that reflects Your love. Amen.
Prayer For College-Aged Students
Father in Heaven, bless all incoming students beginning a new chapter in college and those students returning to study another year. May they remember to pursue holiness and receive the Sacraments regularly as they pursue their academic endeavors. Help them stay focused and enjoy the privilege it is to have this time of study. When the stress of deadlines, exams, presentations, and group work hits, may they remember to offer it up to You and that You are there with them in the morning classes, afternoon conversations, and late-night studying and paper writing. Thank you for the path you have set before each student. May they be attentive to the ways You are revealing Yourself to them as they study this year.
Create Your Own Prayer for Your Child
As parents we are the primary teachers of our children. Perhaps writing a prayer for your own student or college student will help your child know you are praying for them in a specific way. Take time to sit down and ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to pray for each of your children. Write it down. Pray it with them or by yourself. Give it to them to keep in their desk or locker.
For more inspiration on praying through the school year, the following resources may offer spiritual encouragement and practical, prayerful tips:
- A Prayer for Our Children’s Teachers
- Litany of Saints for Students (+Free Printable)
- Litany of Saints for Teachers (+ Free Printable)
- Saints Who Went to College
- A Prayer for Our Homeschooling Children
- Picking a Patron Saint for the School Year
- College 101 Series
In addition to these resources, the greatest gift and spiritual insight we can offer as Catholics for this school year is the offering of a Mass for a student of any age; for teachers, school faculty, and staff; and for college professors.