chatting about prayer, community, + daily life


Pay Attention to Your Life // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 131 - Blessed Is She

Pay Attention to Your Life // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 131

 Permission to slow down granted. Have you been feeling the pressure to get it all done, figure it all out, do it all perfectly - even in prayer? You...
December 24, 2021
On Being Slowed and Silenced // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 130 - Blessed Is She

On Being Slowed and Silenced // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 130

 Everyone suffers. Maybe you're hurting right now, maybe you've just come through a really tough time, or perhaps you want to support someone who's struggling. No matter your experience...
December 17, 2021