I give thanks to my God always on your account for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus, that in him you were enriched in every way.” // 1 Corinthians 1:4-5
I tapped my pen on my journal as I stared at an empty page, not knowing where to even start. I had been asked to share my testimony to a youth group of high school kids with whom I was on a mission trip in Costa Rica. These kids were having powerful experiences of mission and of one another during this trip, which made it a beautiful environment for testimonies. I was going into my junior year of college, just a few years older than them, and I had no idea what I would share.
Sharing my story in an intimate group or with a close friend is one thing, but getting up in front of high schoolers was a different story.
Where would I even start? Will they even get something out of it? What do I even say?
I was engulfed in these questions as I attempted to put some parts of my story to paper. I just kept praying that the Holy Spirit would speak through me and reach these eager hearts. Through sharing my story, I desired to show them just how much God our Father sees us in our wholeness and transforms our brokenness.
And when the time came, the Spirit was so present and it was evident it was He Who was speaking through me. I knew those were not my words. He was the source of those words. The story had been a testament of God’s presence in my life.
God’s grace was so present.
In today’s First Reading (see 1 Corinthians 1:1-9), Saint Paul prays that the grace of God would enrich the people of Corinth. A grace that lacks no spiritual gifts. A grace that enriches. A grace that invites transformation through Jesus Christ.
A vision of transformation that brings about our wholeness. God’s vision for our transformation is that we would be whole. What robs you of wholeness? Invite the Lord into that place today and ask Him for the grace that transforms, enriches, and keeps you firm to the end.