My pen scratched furiously over the pad of paper on my lap.
I was trying to get down all my mom’s instructions. Normally, I would be doing this for a recipe or something she wanted me to look up online. But on this day, I was taking down the final conversations we would ever have.
Topics ranged from the mundane to the humorous. However, it was when she spoke from her heart, emphasizing the importance of her words, that moved me the most.
I vividly remember her telling me that she was at peace. Despite her life being cut short, she was ready to die. Moreover, she wanted us to have that same peace. She told us not to be afraid to go on without her, that we’d have one another to lean on, and we’d continue to love and serve God with our lives.
This scene immediately came to mind when I read today’s Gospel. Jesus said to His disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. . . . Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27).
You can hear the tender concern Jesus has for the Apostles. He knew He would be leaving them relatively soon, and He wanted to impart His words, knowing that they would think back and remember them after He was gone. Jesus’ words would bring comfort and strength to carry on His mission of spreading the Good News.
Saying goodbye to my mom was a heartbreaking and paramount moment in my life, but I still need to be reminded of God’s peace many times. Even as I write this, my heart is heavy with worries, and I’m trying to absorb the words on the screen into my heart, handing my troubles to Jesus and asking for His peace.
It’s a paradox of Christian life to be at peace when our world is shaken, yet it’s the challenge we’re given each day.
What is troubling your heart today? Take it to Jesus in prayer and ask for His embrace of peace.
Be at peace when our world is shaken. // @bobbi_rolClick to tweet
Prince of peace, teach me (again) to rest in Your peace.