March 6, 2025 // Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Luke 9:22-25
Reflect on the Word //
“Have you ever considered a religious vocation?” my mom inquired. I froze. I was in my early twenties and a little boy crazy. I wanted a husband and children. Although I loved God, the thought of giving that up was too much. However, I agreed to attend a six-week discernment summer program (with the preconceived notion that I didn’t have a religious vocation). It didn’t end as I imagined.
Today’s Gospel brings me back to the feelings of that summer. The Apostles had just witnessed Jesus multiply the loaves and fish and heard Peter declare that Jesus was the Christ (see Luke 9:10-17, 20). They must have been on a high seeing the miraculous power of Jesus. Perhaps they imagined the honor they’d receive having been chosen by Him. Then Jesus drops the bomb, explaining that He must suffer, be rejected, and be killed before rising (see Luke 9:22).
Furthermore, He proclaims, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). I can imagine their confusion, wondering why Jesus would subject Himself to suffering and then expect the Apostles to do the same.
I felt that same confusion considering a religious vocation. How could giving up everything I desired make me happy? Yet Jesus quietly pursued my heart. Whether in the chapel, walking the grounds, or even cleaning the bathrooms, He stood close and waited for me. By the end of summer, I longed to consecrate my life to Him. Ultimately, it wasn’t my calling to be a religious, but Jesus needed me to completely surrender myself in order for me to find a new life in Him.
Jesus is still doing that today. He still calls me to completely surrender myself to Him. He is calling and pursuing each of us, in our home, at school, and at our work. He’s asking us to accept all the little crosses of our days and to surrender ourselves to Him so we can draw closer to His heart and live a new life in Him.
Relate to the Lord // How has Jesus been pursuing your heart lately? Pay attention to His love today.