An Image of the Sacred Heart

Art, music, and words are powerful tools for revealing the glory of God. Many of us have had profound experiences while observing the beauty of nature or a stunning cathedral. The language of beauty, truth, and goodness speaks to the deepest parts of the human heart.
Today, I offer you this image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for prayer and reflection. Perhaps this image leads you to pray with another image you enjoy or one that is displayed in your own home.
Whenever I look at an image of the Sacred Heart, I often recall and declare in my own mind: The Heart of Jesus is for me.
The Heart of Jesus is for me. The Heart of Jesus is for you. The Heart of Jesus is always for our betterment, wholeness, healing, joy, peace, and freedom. Jesus is always for us even if it feels untrue for whatever reason.
It is one of the reasons I love the image of the Heart of Jesus. It is a visible reminder that the Heart of God is for me.
In this particular image, Jesus' Hands are open, exposing His Heart, as if to remind us of His constant invitation to come closer. He shows that His Heart is concerned for every aspect of our lives. His Heart burns with love for us.
Even when life feels chaotic, messy, or confusing, hold fast to the promise behind this beautiful picture of Our Lord and His heart.
The heart of Jesus is for me.
His Heart burns with love for us. #BISblog #prayerpledge //Click to tweet
Let Us Pray
Jesus, You gave us Your Heart as a reminder of how deeply and powerfully You love. Help me to not forget or take for granted the promise that You are always for me. Amen.
For Discussion
Use today’s image as a guide for your own prayer. In gazing on the picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, ask Him: Jesus, please speak to me of how Your Heart is for me specifically.
Ask, listen, and then respond. Share your insights with your prayer partner.
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 7 #BISblog #prayerpledge //Click to tweet