Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Luke 10:21-24
Reflect on the Word//
I rushed around the house, my mind racing through the list of tasks for the day. The all too familiar habit of hurrying grabbed hold of my heart and convinced me that I was bound by its demands. With tense shoulders I pressed forward. I allowed anxiety to build and coil itself around my body. Then the tender voice of the Lord broke in through the noise: I am here. Do you not perceive it?
Jesus has a steady stream of grace to pour into my soul. Grace that would open my eyes and remind me to slow down and recollect myself. I cannot see the blessings of ordinary life if I go about spiritually blind. And I, instead, see them as burdens. After rejoicing in the Holy Spirit in Luke 10 and proclaiming that all things have been handed over to Him, Jesus turns to His disciples and says, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see” (Luke 10:23). He shares with them that many would desire to see but would be unable.
Throughout this life, even in the simplest moments, Christ the Lord holds out His hand and invites us to see. He invites us to see that the very same tasks that we anxiously rush through can be made holy. This life is unbelievably beautiful. Every single moment. The moments we rejoice, and the moments when our breath catches and sorrowful tears roll down our cheeks. He is there. His Heart is exposed and offers to us unimaginable love, incomprehensible union, all within regular minutes of our day.
We have the freedom to see, or the freedom to remain blind. Our free will allows us to live like children of God or to continue to live as though we are slaves. Jesus desires that we see. Jesus desires that we live out our belovedness and embrace this life. Behold Him as He stands before us, offering us the grace to see every blessing.
Relate to the Lord // Pause and breathe today. Practice becoming aware of the Lord Who is already with you.