About two years ago, I was working through some life frustration and loneliness.
In the quiet of prayer, God gave me an image to sit with. Two oxen were pulling a plow in fresh dirt on a bright sunny day. The taller, stronger ox was Jesus, and the smaller one was me. As the smaller of the two oxen, I kept turning around looking behind me. I was confused, thinking this farming initiative would not be successful with two different-sized oxen.
Jesus, oxen need to be the same size for the yoke to be level and the plowing to be straight, I said, somewhat rolling my eyes.
In my heart, Jesus spoke to me: I will carry the heavy burden. I will carry the heavier load. You just keep moving forward, looking ahead.
From that day forward, this Gospel account from Saint Matthew 11:25-30 has taken on such personal meaning for me.
Jesus is the rest we long for, the solace we seek when looking to other things or people to fill our needs. We might not always feel that way, but every longing in life is really a longing for Him.
He will help you carry your burdens and loads, just as He had to remind me that morning. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by life or things going differently than I want, I go back to that image of pulling the plow with Jesus.
Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Heart of Jesus is our safe haven, our resting place where we can bring our most real self and feelings. It is the place where we bring and lay our heavy burdens and loads.
Find rest in this Heart that loves you so. Let Jesus take the heavier load and you just keep moving forward.
Jesus is the rest we long for. // @amoderngraceClick to tweet