Something remarkable happens to our love of the Lord when we choose to be guided by the liturgical seasons. The tone of God’s loving and His way becomes recognizable in everyday life.
Imagine for a moment the person in your parish who represents the quiet fidelity of God for you. Perhaps it is the outgoing usher or the couple that always sits in a certain section of pews. Perhaps it is the people who come inexplicably early to the early Mass or the parents who courageously bring all the kiddos. Whatever the quiet habits, my Sisters and I see these people at every parish when we bring our mission and affectionately consider them the pillars of parish communities.
Genuine humility attracts.
Our Lord uses vivid images in the Gospel today to show us both who He is and who we are to become. He launches our attention far beyond this world’s infatuation with titles and power.
He plainly states we have only one Master and one Father in Heaven.
Our Master loves us so fiercely that He defines His way of loving against artificial power of the world. What is His way? Unlike religious elite who tie up heavy burdens, Our Almighty God is gentle and humble of heart (cf. Matthew 11:28).
Lent is a prolonged contemplation of His gentle, humble love. God refuses to force us to follow His rules. He never crushes us with His glory. In fact, He permitted us to crush Him first only to rise from the dead and definitively prove love conquers everything.
Subtext? “You don’t need a title, folks.”
Sisters, if you are like me, it is often easier to see worldly titles than His fiercely gentle love. But let’s not waste time looking at ourselves. Let’s ask for the grace to turn our hearts in trust to our Good Father who refuses to give burdens too hard to carry. Let’s ask Him to reveal His way in the depths of our hearts this Lent. May Our Lady teach us to trust in Him.
Almighty God, Your gentleness and mercy are beyond my understanding. I repent of trying to lay heavy burdens on myself and my brothers and sisters. I repent to reverencing worldly titles and power. In your Love, make my heart white as wool—desirous of following only Your way.
Sister Maria Kim Bui is a Daughter of Saint Paul, women religious dedicated to evangelization in and through the media. She is originally from Tempe, AZ, spent most of her fourteen years in religious life in the northeast, and is part of a bilingual evangelization team of sisters serving in Texas. Find out more about her here.