"Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and put this question to Jesus [ . . . ]" // Luke 20:27
The days have been getting shorter, the nights longer, and the colorful leaves have been collecting on the ground. This is the way to new life next spring. It begins with an ending. Everything outside seems to be ushering us towards the end of this liturgical year.
And at the same time, the readings focus more and more on the end times. And with the end in mind, we're about to begin a season that ultimately gives us hope for that end. Jesus has come—and is coming, and with Him, the hope of resurrection and life everlasting. So Advent is a beautiful time where we can renew our faith and hope in Him.
The Sadducees in today's Gospel reading give us an example of one way we can do that, and that's by bringing our questions to Jesus (see Luke 20:27-40).
We see in this exchange that Jesus heard their question and responded—even though their question may have been asked with bad intentions and to discredit Him. He went to the heart of their question about the resurrection and assured them that God is not God of the dead, but of the living. He tells them the resurrection is real.
When it comes to prayer, you can bring your questions to Jesus. He, of course, already knows your thoughts, but if you enter into a conversation with Him about it, you give Him the chance to listen and respond. To get to the heart of your question. To remind you of the hope of the resurrection.