for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

A Study on the Virtues of Mary

A Study on the Virtues of Mary

The start of my devotion to the Blessed Mother Several Mays of my childhood my mother set up a little prayer table with a statue of the Blessed Mother and a...
Liquid Grace: A Theology of Coffee - Blessed Is She

Liquid Grace: A Theology of Coffee

A couple of winters ago, I had to give up my annual Christmastime visit with my parents due to various members of my family coming down with the flu a...
Blessed Chats: Fertility // Miscarriage - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: Fertility // Miscarriage

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
The Vision Behind Our Catholic Prayer Book for Kids - Blessed Is She

The Vision Behind Our Catholic Prayer Book for Kids

The first people to ask us for a devotional for children were, in fact, our own children. Their sentiments were echoed from the amazing women in our community and in...