February 25, 2025 // Tuesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Mark 9:30-37
Reflect on the Word //
The first time I had significant success with weight loss I was just out of college. I wanted to look amazing for my best friend/college roommate’s wedding (and the guy I was going to be walking down the aisle with). And in truth, by the time that beautiful November day rolled around, I looked fabulous. Said guy literally applauded when we first saw each other in the hotel lobby.
But months later the weight crept back on. So I dieted again. Then lost again. Only to put some, all, or even more back on. Over the years as I would re-engage my health, it seemed I would tackle one obstacle only to be faced with another. Besides the basics of nutrition and movement, I had hormones that needed attention and food allergies I’d always dismissed as normal. I needed to prioritize stress management(!) and drink way more water. And with every change of lifestyle, I came face to face with my need for deep, deep healing of my self-image.
We see it in the disciples too. They’ve been called by Jesus, left everything, and literally followed Him on the way. But their personalities, weaknesses, and pet sins came too. Despite all the miracles they’d witnessed and truth they’d heard preached, in today’s Gospel we hear them arguing about which one of them was the greatest. Each and every one of them had utterly changed their lives because of Jesus, but their transformation didn’t end with that initial encounter. Like us, their discipleship was a journey.
Maybe that’s why so often in the Gospels Jesus engages their hearts on a walk. "What were you arguing about on the way?" (Mark 9:16) He didn’t expect them to be further along than they were or get it all right all the time. He taught them. With Jesus, every conversation becomes an opportunity for that deep, deep healing we all need.
Like the little child He takes into His lap (Mark 9:36), we are still learning, still growing. Today, let Him wrap you in His embrace and allow His love to change you along the way.
Relate to the Lord // Take a walk with the Lord today. Share your heart with Him.