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Weep No More
You shall weep no more. I have wept in my life. I have cried heavy sobs that have shaken my whole body. The true, snot-dripping, seal-bark-sounding, slobbery, puffy-eyed ugly...
Wait for the Lord
I could not see the light. My days were like one long darkness. I was deeply injured by one whom I loved very much. He offered no explanation and...
More Than Sand
We’ve all been to the beach. We’ve all built castles in the sand and then watched the waves come rolling in to shore and pull those castles down. Of...
Finding Hope in Our God
Our God is a compassionate God. He provides for those who follow Him. He provides for those who WAIT for Him. That is really what Advent is all about, the...
Knowledge versus Knowing
Knowledge versus knowing. Often I find myself caught up in learning all about my faith. I aim to rack up my spiritual know-how rather than spending time on working to...
Stop Hedging My Bets
This Gospel is stunning. And how beautiful that in the Roman Rite, we repeat his words when the Eucharist is elevated and presented to us after the Consecration? "Lord,...
Let's Be Found Alive
I have pretty vivid memories of class times that dragged on for far longer than I ever wanted, for papers that never got written due to my boredom/exhaustion breaking through,...
Jewels in My Crown
The Gospel today is a toughie. I envision it as a pep talk given to a athletic team that is slacking or not performing to their full potential, the butt...
A New Heaven
First Reading: Revelation 20:1-4, 11-21:2 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he...
With Praise and Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day First Reading: Sirach 50:22-24 And now bless the God of all, who in every way does great things; who exalts our days from birth, and deals with us...
Trust The Words
Today's readings are terrifying. Plagues, wrath, fire. Persecution, trial, betrayal. Saint John paints a whirling vision of the final days. Jesus warns His followers that they will be attacked. I...
We Are Doomed
I hope I didn’t scare you. But today’s readings remind us that yes, we are doomed. But do you know what else we are? Redeemed. When God placed Adam and...