Whenever I hear readings from the Pauline Letters, I think of a certain graduate school professor I had, Father Cassidy. He was known for teaching on the Pauline Letters.
A boisterous, lively personality, Father Cassidy would dress up as Saint Paul, complete with heavy chains he would drop heavily on the desk and throw around the room. It definitely brought to life the zeal and passion of Saint Paul in a new way!
Writing to the Christians in Ephesus, Paul earnestly urges them to live a manner worthy of the call they have received. What is that call? The call to follow Jesus Christ and accept Him fully through Baptism. A turning away from an old life and turning to a new life with Christ. The answer to this call on their lives is a response to the loving action and movement of God.
That call over the lives of people in the early Church is the very same call over our lives. It is radical, powerful, and transformative. It changes us from the inside out.
How do we know we are living worthy of the call of Jesus Christ over our lives?
We see it through the evidence of the fruits of the Holy Spirit present and active in our daily lives. Several of those fruits are mentioned in the First Reading today (peace, patience, and gentleness). When we see the fruits present in our lives or the lives of others, it is a sign of the Spirit active and moving.
In a time where the noise is so loud, criticism and harshness abound, and nuance is so lacking, look for the fruits. Pay attention to the fruits to see where God is. It has never failed me yet.
When our lives exhibit the fruits of the Spirit, we carry the presence of God into the world; we bring a piece of the Kingdom into reality.
Embrace your calling and go bear some fruit.
It changes us from the inside out. // @amoderngraceClick to tweet