The phone rang, and I saw her name. I was tempted to let it go to voicemail. My friend was having a rough time, and lately I’d been her moral support. She wanted to get together to talk, but I explained that I already had plans, and we’d do it another time. She was disappointed but understood.
I hung up with a twinge of guilt because, technically, I could’ve changed my plans. I brushed it aside, but that small voice in my heart told me it was important to make time for her today. I resisted, but the voice kept nudging. I sighed and picked up the phone to tell my friend that we could get together.
As I’ve grown older and more mature in my faith, I’ve learned to recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit. As a youth, I was fascinated with the way the Holy Spirit moved in the lives of the Apostles, particularly in the Act of the Apostles.
In the reading today it says, “The Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them’” (Acts 13:2). As I read that, I realized there was another Person in the scene—the Paraclete.
I thought such activity was reserved for ancient times or a few select holy people. However, I’ve witnessed the Holy Spirit at work daily—in others' lives and my own. Sometimes, my heart and head are preoccupied with noise and activity, and I can’t hear Him.
But when I make time for prayer and turn my mind to God several times during the day, I’m more attuned with the voice of the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is ready to speak to each of us so we can live as the Apostles—not only in the big “sharing the faith” moments, but also in the little ways in which we deal with difficult people or unforeseen changes in our plans.
What is the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart today? Listen carefully.
The Holy Spirit is ready to speak to each of us. // @bobbi_rolClick to tweet
Paraclete, whisper in my heart how I can do Your work today.