Eighty years ago today, a selfless, faithful, and courageous man died a martyr inside of Auschwitz, also known as “Death Camp.”
Saint Maximillian Kolbe was a Polish Priest who had been sent as a prisoner to a concentration camp during the Holocaust.
One night, three prisoners had escaped from the camp. As punishment, the Deputy took ten men to be starved inside of an underground cellar. One of the men who was chosen begged and pleaded not to be taken. He was a husband and father of two.
Approaching the Deputy, Saint Maximillian said, "I am a Catholic priest from Poland. I would like to take his place because he has a wife and children."
Saint Maximillian reflected Christ not only through his words, but also through his compassionate action of sacrifice. He sacrificed his life so that another man could live. This act was an imitation of Jesus’ suffering and death on the Cross for our sins so that we may be saved.
As children of the Light, we are called to reflect and praise Him until the end of our days.
During the sorrow and pain that Saint Maximillian had experienced, he still remained extremely bold in his faith. He led prisoners in both song and prayer. Even through the depths of their suffering, his heart remained truthful to the Lord and Blessed Mother.
I understand that we may never experience anything as gut-wrenching as the Holocaust, but we all have our own suffering that has happened or will happen or is happening.
May we reflect Saint Maximilian Kolbe’s faith and confidence in Christ, even when times seem unbearable. What small steps can you take today to reflect Christ?
Saint Maximillian Maria Kolbe, pray for us!
We are called to praise Him. // Bella RolClick to tweet