The other day I managed to lose my phone. I managed to lose my phone in the brief moment I had stopped at home between getting off work and picking up the kids. That moment when I run around throwing laundry into the washing machine and getting things out of the fridge for one last defrost on the counter before cooking dinner. It was suddenly time to get in the car again and I couldn't find my phone.
I shuffled papers on the kitchen table.
No phone.
I dug through the dirty laundry.
No phone.
I checked the garbage can.
No phone.
I was on my way down to the basement to search couch cushions when I checked the time. I checked the time on my phone, which was in my pocket.
I wonder if the Jews of the Temple didn't feel a little bit like a modern mother desperately trying to find her smartphone. They were ready. They were in a hurry. They knew what they needed and what they were looking for. They walked up to Jesus, God's proof of the fulfillment of His prophecies, and demanded He show them what they were looking for. (John 10:24)
They were checking the time on the lost phone in their pocket.
How often do we still do this to God? How often do we feel we've lost God and can't remember where we've seen Him last? How often do we insist God was right here a second ago?
Today is a good day to slow down, take a deep breath and remember that wise advice our parents always called out as we tore through the house. Let's not ask God to magically appear in front of us, rather let's take a moment and ask ourselves, "Where did I last see God?" Because He's probably right there, right where we left Him. We just need to take a moment and realize what is right in front of us all along.
How often do we insist God was right here a second ago?Click to tweet
Close your eyes and picture where God is. Is He right next to you? Have you invited Him into your heart lately?
Molly Walter is a Catholic convert, wife and mother to two children on Earth and four babies called home to Jesus. She has a deep love of her faith, her family, literature, handcrafts, gardening, and Star Wars. When not working full time outside the home or wrangling her next family adventure, she blogs about all the good things in life. You can find out more about her here.