Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand. // Jeremiah 18:6
There are seasons in my life that I can look back on and ask myself, Wow, why’d I do that? Why’d I choose that? Did I really think that was a good idea?
I was a junior in college and spent my days skipping class and drinking too much. I made decision after decision that led me further and further away from who I knew I was created to be. But at that point in my life, I’d told God that He could wait for me while I did what I wanted to when I wanted to. I told God that I’d decide when I wanted to be in a relationship with Him again and, until then, He could wait.
One Sunday morning after another long night out, I woke up at 10:30 a.m.—the time at which I went to Mass with my family growing up. It was a tremendously generous moment of grace. A moment in which the Potter gently asked that I return to Him. With all of my broken pieces. With all of the cracks in my core. He invited me to return just as I was, and He promised—with my permission—to make me new.
Today's First Reading (see Jeremiah 18:1-6) is a testament to the truth that God wastes nothing in our lives—even those seasons, experiences, events, or moments in which we find ourselves feeling too broken and too unworthy to be held in His sacred hands.
He waits patiently for us to approach Him, just as we are. He is the Potter Who longs to mold us into new creations. To take what is broken and love it into beauty. To buff out what must go—not to destroy, but to redeem.
Sister, no matter how far you have strayed. No matter how far from His reach you believe you are. No part of you is irredeemable. What is He inviting you to place in His hands today? Surrender. Trust. Receive.