“Ephphatha!” (that is, “Be opened!”) // Mark 7:34
As a child, I suffered from horrible ear infections. I would wake in the mornings with blood-stained pillows, just screaming from the pain. My mom would lie by my side, anxiously tending to me until I fell asleep. I had tubes put in my ear multiple times only to have them burst when new infections arose.
As a child going through multiple surgeries, being asked to freely surrender my arm for blood tests at the hospital, I remember hearing this Gospel and wishing Jesus would come and say over me, “Ephphatha! Be healed!” and that then the pain would stop.
As I aged, my ear infections ceased (praise God!). But a familiar ache persisted and never relinquished: the ache to hear the voice of God.
I have had seasons, as I’m sure you have, where I hear Him so clearly. I know His will, and I follow it. I close the doors He asks me to close. I recognize the doors He opens where my feet should tread, and I walk through them.
I have also had seasons where His voice is hushed. When I read His Word, and nothing resonates. Stretches of time when I am confused and frustrated by too many options or lack thereof and don’t know where He is guiding me.
It’s in these moments that I wish He would place His hand on my entire being and cry, “Ephphatha! Be opened!”
In today's psalm refrain, we hear, “I am the Lord, your God: hear my voice.” Sometimes we hear His voice through the people in our lives who bring us closer to Him.
Who has God placed in your life to bring you to Him?
We hear His voice when we acknowledge where we need healing and allow Him to heal us.
Where do you need to be more open to God’s healing touch so you can hear His voice?
“Ephphatha! Be opened!” Let us listen for Him today.