[L]ive in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love. // Ephesians 4:1-2
“They weren’t asking anything of me. They didn’t want anything from me. They were bringing me in with friendship, and they didn’t ask anything from me.” It was those words, paraphrased here, but spoken by a broken man who was being healed and restored by Jesus Christ, that stayed with me.
In the telling of his conversion story, he had shared many thoughts, details, and experiences that I wanted to think through and consider, but in quiet moments, those were the words that came back to me. How funny that the most striking part of his story has almost nothing to do with him.
He had met a group of Catholic Christians who lived in a manner worthy of the call we have received (see Ephesians 4:1). As he talked about them, their humility, gentleness, patience, and love shone through and ultimately led me to some deep personal reflection.
Do I live as these modern Christians? Do I live as the ancient ones? Am I drawing people to Christ? Am I bearing with them with love? Ultimately God will be the judge, but I plan to bring this Scripture into my examination of conscience and remember to thank the Lord for the community whom He has blessed me with.
Take some time today and ask yourself these questions too.