The Act of Hope
O Lord God,
I hope by your grace for the pardon
of all my sins
and after life here to gain eternal happiness
because you have promised it
who are infinitely powerful, faithful, kind,
and merciful.
In this hope I intend to live and die.
Several years ago, I learned about a young boy who learned he was dying from a brain tumor at the age of 12. He was an ordinary kid who loved sports and spending time with his family, but he had an extraordinary amount of faith and hope in God’s love and in Heaven.
Despite his terminal illness, he lived with joy and gratitude and even a sense of humor. When he picked his gravesite, he told his parents he didn’t want to be buried next to a tree where a dog might pee on him. He helped convert many hearts through his witness and willingness to graciously carry his cross and accept God’s will at such a young age. His name was Nathan Raun.
Whenever I hear of stories like his, and especially of the martyrs who willingly faced death to defend our Faith, I wonder how I would face the same situations. Would I have the same amount of zeal and courage? How much confidence do I have in God’s mercy to carry me to Heaven? Am I truly living for the world or am I living for eternal life? My husband reminds me that these amazing Saints did not act on their own strength and willpower, but on the grace of the Holy Spirit. They did not operate in the spirit of fear, but relied on their hope in Jesus and His mercy.
When we have hope in the Lord, we are able to do His will. It allows us to change our hearts so that we seek His grace‚—through prayer and the Sacraments and our daily devotion to Him. It allows us to focus our desires on eternal happiness with God in Heaven, not on temporary happiness here on Earth. When we are able to keep our eyes fixed on Heaven, what power does despair and negativity have on us? We know that everything in this life will eventually pass away and we will be called to our true and eternal Home.
Let Us Pray
Father, as we complete this second week of the Prayer Pledge, we ask You, once again, to renew our hope. Send Your Holy Spirit to direct our gaze toward Heaven, knowing that our ultimate Home lies within Your courts. Amen!
For Discussion
Do you have a favorite Saint or a Saintly friend whose life demonstrates hope?
In your walk with the Lord, are you relying on yourself and your own willpower for your sanctity, or upon Him?
They That Hope: The 2022 Prayer Pledge // Day 15 #BISblog #prayerpledge //Click to tweet