We kick off this season with one of our favorite friends (and season 1 guest!) Heather Khym of the Abiding Together podcast. In this candid conversation, we chat about inviting Jesus into the story of our life as well as everyday moments to speak the truth about us.
More info here: https://www.liferestoration.ca/
Take a listen below or over on iTunes (and give us a rating while you're over there).
About Jenna Guizar
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Jenna Guizar is a wife and mama in sunny AZ. She pretends to love football for her husband, reads lots of books to her seven lovely babes, and tries not to burn mac n cheese on the daily. In between football games, reading books, and [not] burning mac n cheese, she is the Founder + Creative Director of Blessed is She women’s ministry + community. Find out more about her here.