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Lay Aside Your Imperfections
As a teacher, I sometimes long to hear my students say what Jesus heard in today’s Gospel. “Teacher, you have answered well,” and then no longer ask me any questions....
His Sweet Help
Every single one of us has the opportunity to build our own intimate relationship with the Father. When it came to developing my relationship with Christ, I don’t know why...
Finding Our Way Back to the Path
I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the needs of the individual across the table from me. I had thus far succeeded in shutting out the sounds...
Being Fruitful in Our Faith
My sister rolled her eyes and gave me that look. I shut my mouth and gave her an apologetic smile. Yes, I was singing the praises of my boyfriend again,...
I Want to See Jesus
“Lemme see! Lemme see! I want to see!” Anyone who has been around children has probably hear these words countless times. In my years as a teacher for preschool and...
Do Not Allow Yourself To Be Shushed
Have you ever felt silenced or shushed by other people in your life? When I was a little girl, I once was hushed by someone who told me, "Be a...
Stop Clinging and Start Trusting
He came around the corner with a twinkle in his eye and a proud smile on his face. “Mom,” my kindergartner said. “I just put some of Dad’s deodorant on....
Persistence in Couponing, Persisting in Faith
I wouldn’t say my mom is a coupon queen exactly. I have seen coupon queens, and they don’t mess around. They carry around their coupons in alphabetical order and keep...
A Seat at Our Inner Table
As my head hit the pillow, I could almost feel a wave of fluster flood my body, although I was not exactly sure why. I am so sensitive that I...
Sophia, Spirit of Wisdom
My Grandma went by the name "Sophie" her entire life. So, when I learned that her full name was Sophia, I was taken back. “Grandma, why did you choose to...
Fear's Kryptonite
During a serious health crisis, I reached a moment of—I’m ashamed to say—full on, wild-eyed hysteria. I called my best friend and began to unleash a tsunami of panic and...
He's Crazy for My Heart
For most of my life, I didn't want to hear about being a temple of the Holy Spirit. That tired line repeated by speakers at high school and young adult...