Dear Sister,
I walked outside of the building during free time at a weekend retreat without any plans of where to go. Should I head to the open fields? Should I go smell the roses in the garden? Should I take a nap in my room? Should I chat with the other women?
I interiorly asked the Lord, Where do You want me to go?
I felt prompted to head to the little chapel just down the hallway. I walked into the chapel and sat on a chair, opened up my prayer journal, and wrote the date.
“Thank You for making this happen, Lord,” I wrote. Gratitude overwhelmed me at the thought of all the things that aligned just right for me to have this sweet little weekend getaway at a retreat center in California.
I struggled with what to pray about next.
I heard some shuffling beside me and a few minutes later, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament was placed in a monstrance on the altar. There He was. The Lord our God, Who is in our “midst, a mighty savior” (Zephaniah 3:17).
I breathed out a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to conjure up my own image of Him, but instead I could just be in His midst, I could just be in His presence.
No work required here, only presence. And that’s just what I needed. Presence. Not production.
He invites you into this as well, Beth. He invites you into union with Him right in His presence.
Even if there isn’t an adoration chapel nearby, I encourage you, if you’re able this week, to get to the church for prayer time in front of the tabernacle. He’s there. He’s there waiting to pour out His Presence, His love, His kindness onto you and to me.
You (and I) don’t have to travel out of state to have intimacy with the God of the universe. We can receive that gift at every Mass when we consume Him in the Eucharist, and we can sit in His Eucharistic Presence at every Catholic church all around the world.
No work required, no special books or prayers needed. Just you. He wants you. He wants your presence so He can pour out His.
Let Him love you, dear Sister. Let our mighty savior save you from the overwhelm of your life and from the anxieties that choke you. Hand all of that over to Him so you can breathe in His Presence, His perfect peace, His mighty power.
Presence, my friend. Presence and not production.