"Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid! He got into the boat with them . . . ." // Mark 6:50
I used to think that peace came from close-to-ideal circumstances. That if I could just find the solution, get over the hump, or discover one more life hack that my fear would dissipate and then I would arrive at peace.
In today's Gospel reading, the disciples are on the sea in the midst of a storm. They see Jesus walking on the water toward them and absolutely freak out. These were the same disciples who had watched Him multiply the loaves and fishes just earlier that day.
Jesus exhorts them to have no fear. Then, He gets in the boat with them.
In exploring the feeling of fear, we must look for the root of its antithesis. Lucky for us, we do not need to search far, for Saint John the Beloved provides the answer in today's First Reading: "Perfect love drives out fear" (1 John 4:18).
It's love. Rather, it is Love.
Peace is not dependent upon a life without crosses; rather, it is a fruit of knowing—deeply knowing—that whatever happens, Love is with me. Love does not merely tell me to not be afraid; He gets in my boat.
I am quick to forget this when the storms of life arrive. I proclaim my peace in His presence when He is miraculously feeding the multitudes. Then, two hours later, I get the bad news or have the argument or remember the wound or miss the deadline and I begin to panic.
My peace returns when I realize that Love is in my boat—regardless of the weather—and that is Who drives out my fear.
Today, think of someone in your life who is weathering a difficult storm. Reach out to them and remind them that Love is with them in the boat, and that you are, too.
Peace is not dependent upon a life without crosses. // Olivia SpearsClick to tweet