A divided heart. How easy it is to let my eyes wander toward those around me, toward what is not mine, toward all which I seemingly lack. How easy it is to forget how truly generous and gracious He is. How easy it is to fall into comparison and ingratitude. To look outward and desire what is earthly and fleeting above what is of His kingdom. The followers, the ‘likes’, the material, all that sometimes consumes me but that I know within the depths of my heart is meaningless.
My eyes—they lead me astray daily. And yet I eagerly pray:
Lord, help me to see this world, myself, and those around me as You see. Help me to look to what is above in and through all things. Help me to see Your light and love in my life, so that I may also be a reflection of Your light and love to others. Help me to remain cognizant of Your work in my life—the gifts you continue to give, the promises You continue to make, the way You continue to lead me.
And so easily, still, I falter and fall. I am back to looking outward, at the world around me—not in gratitude, but in want for what I seemingly lack.
And in His presence I hear, softly, gently:
My child, I am with you. Look to Me, seek My face, set your eyes upon Me on this new day and let your gaze rest only on Me and the way I lead you. Look outward in gratitude for what you see, and back to Me when you feel your heart begin to wander. Come to Me and I will be your comfort, your rest, your all.
And so day after day, moment by moment, today, I actively choose to return to His gaze, to rest in His line of vision instead of my own. For when my eyes wander and lead me toward living with a divided heart, He renews my sight. He gives me new eyes to see.
"The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart." Psalm 19:8.
Let your heart rest in Him today, Sisters.
Shalini Blubaugh is a Minnesota transplant living in Denver, Colorado with her sweet husband, Matt, their quite large GSD pup, Sully, and baby on the way. She is a health coach and loves pizza, because #balance. Shalini graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, served with NET Ministries, and went on to attend Law School. She graduated with her J.D. and happily leaves all things Law behind! Some of her favorites include travel, re-connecting with old friends and making new ones, the ways in which God so beautifully brings all things full circle in His time, and a good, loud thunderstorm. Find out more about her here.