From the time I was a little girl, I had an innate sense of justice, when things were right or wrong. I would quickly point out if something was fair or right in a situation: This does not seem fair! or That's not right. Even at a young age, my tender heart was attuned to what was just or unjust.
The theme of justice runs deep in the readings today. In the First Reading (Isaiah 25:6-10), Isaiah talks about what the justice of the Messiah will look like when He comes. The power and presence of God will rest upon Him. He will deal with the injustices of the earthly world. He will restore what was lost and broken. And then in Psalm 72, we are reminded that justice will flourish in his time and that the fullness of God's peace will reign forever.
Do you ever look at the state of the world, life, politics, social issues, the Church and lament aloud, When O Lord? When will Your justice and freedom reign on the earth in its fullness? How long will it take?
Like you, I wonder and ask God what He is doing in this beautiful, broken world of ours. I simply do not know what God is up to or how He will restore the situations and people of this world or if justice for them will only happen in Heaven.
But this I do know, justice breaks through like bits of sunshine when we work to bring the light of Jesus to places and situations of injustice. Situations that demean the dignity of any human person are spaces where God desires us to bring hope, healing, and justice to rectify the wrongdoing.
Much of what happens in the world is not right and not just. However, as Christians we are called to help bring about the peace of God in the world, make it a little less cold and more just.
God's peace will reign forever. // @amoderngraceClick to tweet