chatting about prayer, community, + daily life


The Precious Blood of the God of the Universe

The Precious Blood of the God of the Universe

In a world where the vastness of the universe can seem overwhelming and our individual lives insignificant, it's easy to lose sight of the profound truth that the God who...
September 13, 2024
When Love Moves God's Heart

When Love Moves God's Heart

There is a profound truth that many of us struggle to fully embrace: God's love for us is so deep and personal that our love actually moves His heart. This...
August 07, 2024
Embracing the Beauty of the Ordinary: Finding Joy in the Simple Moments of Life

Embracing the Beauty of the Ordinary: Finding Joy in the Simple Moments of Life

In a world that often values the extraordinary and the sensational, it can be easy to overlook the profound beauty and grace that can be found in the simple, ordinary...
August 01, 2024
Embracing God's Transforming Love This Lent

Embracing God's Transforming Love This Lent

As we enter the season of Lent, there is a profound invitation from the Lord to let Him transform us—not through our own striving but through His gentle, lavish love....
July 24, 2024
Embracing the Unexpected Path: A Journey of Intimacy with the Good Shepherd

Embracing the Unexpected Path: A Journey of Intimacy with the Good Shepherd

In our Catholic Faith, we often encounter paths that diverge from our expectations. Unexpected shifts in our careers, relationships, or life situations may disorient and unsettle us. In these moments,...
July 17, 2024
Quenching the Thirst: Discovering God's Restorative Power

Quenching the Thirst: Discovering God's Restorative Power

In a world that frequently leaves us feeling dry and unfulfilled, the Lord presents Himself as the Fountain of Life, satisfying our deepest thirst. When we view the world through...
July 10, 2024
Restoring Your Faith: A Shift in Perspective - Blessed Is She

Restoring Your Faith: A Shift in Perspective

In the midst of life's ups and downs, it's easy to become overwhelmed by our circumstances and lose sight of the broader perspective. However, as discussed today, our circumstances don't...
July 03, 2024
Trusting God's Goodness: Finding Comfort and Assurance in His Character - Blessed Is She

Trusting God's Goodness: Finding Comfort and Assurance in His Character

God's Goodness in Uncertain Times In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, it can be challenging to maintain a steadfast trust in God's goodness. Yet, as followers of...
June 26, 2024
The Good Shepherd: Discovering the Depths - Blessed Is She

The Good Shepherd: Discovering the Depths

The Comfort and Complexity of Jesus as the Good Shepherd As we enter the Advent season, the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd takes on a renewed significance. This...
June 14, 2024
A Podcast for Holy Week | Our Hero Has a Face - Blessed Is She

A Podcast for Holy Week | Our Hero Has a Face

Thank you so much for praying with us through Rescued, our Lent devotional for 2024. It was an incredible gift to be rescued alongside you. This is our last podcast episode...
March 28, 2024
There is New Hope Dawning // New Wine Blessed is She Podcast Episode 8 - Blessed Is She

There is New Hope Dawning // New Wine Blessed is She Podcast Episode 8

Join us as we conclude our podcast series on our 2023 devotional, New Wine!
April 13, 2023
When Life is Unrelenting and Unsustainable, It's Time to Surrender // New Wine Podcast Episode 7 - Blessed Is She

When Life is Unrelenting and Unsustainable, It's Time to Surrender // New Wine Podcast Episode 7

Join us this Lenten season as we dive into our 2023 devotional, New Wine!
April 06, 2023