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How to Question an Angel and Speak to Tell the Tale
In the gospel reading on Wednesday of this week, and again tomorrow, on Christmas Eve, we hear the story of the Annunciation to Mary: How the Angel Gabriel appears to...
“And Mary Said . . .”
When I was a child, I loved the miniseries, Anne of Green Gables. Anne had a best friend, Diana, whom she called her “bosom friend” and “kindred spirit.” Ever since...
A Father of His Promise
This Gospel always makes my heart sing, as it is a glimpse of the Father’s intrinsic vision for women, who are invited to participate in the light of His promise....
Our Blessed Mother's Heart is His Home
Once in a while a family member or friend will inform me my voicemail is full. I usually chuckle (I admit to a sentimental streak!) before beginning the difficult task...
God's "Perfect" Timing
Some say that God's timing is perfect, though these words can be hardly encouraging if you have been waiting for a long time for your prayers to be answered and...
Do Not Be Afraid
In today’s Gospel, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph were facing incredibly challenging positions. I can only imagine the inner turmoil both Mary and Joseph must have felt. At...
In Good Company
Until recently, I had never really been a fan of Saint John the Baptist. All that camel hair and locust eating left a bad taste in my mouth (pun intended)....
Inextinguishable Fire
Our God is a fiery Lover. Since the beginning, He’s been tirelessly pursuing our hearts. And we disappoint Him. A lot. And yet He keeps wanting us, loving us, saving...
Lead Me to My (New) Home
Recently, my husband and I bought a house. Our first home. Before this happened, one day we had received a note from our landlord saying our rent would increase by...
Purpose in Christ
There are seasons of life that seem to drone on. Wake up, feed the kids, change diapers, teach, love, and feed again. Then we get ready for bed and do...
Invite God Into the Chaos
It’s 7:40 in the morning. I should already be showered and ready for work, but I cannot pull myself out of bed this morning. With each passing beep of the...
Flesh, Feast, and Feeling Worthy
Do you know what the Spanish word “carne” is? It means meat or flesh. Many years ago my pastor pointed out during his Christmas Mass homily the significance of the...