I am the paralytic. The one that cannot bring myself to Him. I am the one lying on the stretcher, unable to raise my eyes towards Him.
I lie crippled in my own sin and shame, in my own desires for what I think my life should be, in pursuit of what I think will set me free. I remain stuck in the fear of what others will think of me if I love Him openly.
And as I lie there, unable to walk to Him on my own, He walks to me. He sits with me. He looks at me and smiles at me. He believes in me, and He has the power to heal me—from the inside out. He longs to move me toward faith so that I may move forward with fortitude.
With openness, I raise my eyes to His own. His loving and merciful face close to mine. "Courage, child, your sins are forgiven" (Matthew 9:2).
I close my eyes and simply rest in His merciful and loving words. They are sweeter than syrup or honey from the comb (see Psalm 19). How can it be that my Savior comes to me? This is Who He is.
"Rise and walk!" He says. I open my eyes and feel His hand grasp my own. With my feet on the ground, I stand firm in my faith. I am not made to remain stuck in my mess, but for eternity which endures forever.
There is a road ahead meant just for me! My heart rejoices as I walk, looking back at Him.
It is my time, now, to tell the others. It is my time, now, to go out and share that He is Who is says He is. Wonderful Healer. Counselor. Merciful Shepherd. God with us. It is impossible to remain crippled—in fear or in sin. I have met Him. He forgives and heals me.
And as I walk, my heart rejoices in humility.
He has the power to heal. // Shalini Blubaugh Click to tweet