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Not Easy-Breezy Neighborly Love - Blessed Is She

Not Easy-Breezy Neighborly Love

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31). I’ve read, and heard, and prayed these words so often in my life, yet this time I can only think, “But...
October 31, 2021
Goodness Surpassing Understanding - Blessed Is She

Goodness Surpassing Understanding

I often try to barter with Jesus when it comes to change. I know He wants to change my heart, transform my life, and pour out His grace into every...
September 03, 2021
Actively Loving Our Neighbors - Blessed Is She

Actively Loving Our Neighbors

Staring out my kitchen window in a daze, I wonder why I feel so stagnant and stuck; a general malaise, if you will, fills my heart. My joy is not...
May 14, 2021
I'd Like an Answer, Please - Blessed Is She

I'd Like an Answer, Please

Often in my spiritual life I pray as if I’m asking the same question as the disciples in today’s Gospel, John 6:30-35. It is as if I’m holding God hostage...
April 20, 2021
The World Outside My Control - Blessed Is She

The World Outside My Control

Tempting as it is to let the rereading of the first words of Genesis 1:1-19 wash over me like an oft-repeated fairy tale, I know that these words that begin...
February 08, 2021
Greater than Our Storms - Blessed Is She

Greater than Our Storms

It is unbelievable but also deeply comforting to hear Jesus calm the storm with only a few words. It is also terrible and difficult to hear Jesus calm the storm...
January 30, 2021
Waiting in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Waiting in Prayer

Anna is one of the most beautiful and mysterious figures of the Gospels about whom I always wish I knew more. She was a prophetess who lived in the temple...
December 30, 2020
Deeper Prayer during Suffering - Blessed Is She

Deeper Prayer during Suffering

I think most of us can read today’s Second Reading from Saint Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6) and easily admit that it hits differently in the year...
November 15, 2020
Love Letter to Friendship - Blessed Is She

Love Letter to Friendship

I often think about how much I loved friends who are no longer in my life. The friendships have ended years ago but I still feel how much I miss...
October 30, 2020
The Twins of Suffering and Joy - Blessed Is She

The Twins of Suffering and Joy

When you look back to times in your life, do you only remember the good times? The joy of your youth? Your glory days of high school or the fun...
September 26, 2020
His Faithfulness Doesn't Leave Me - Blessed Is She

His Faithfulness Doesn't Leave Me

One of the hardest things in the spiritual life that I keep coming up against is how I measure the faithfulness of God that Saint Paul talked about in the...
August 27, 2020
When You Don't Feel the Grace - Blessed Is She

When You Don't Feel the Grace

I’m sure I’m not alone in the struggle of not feeling grace. Of course there are extraordinary moments when the veil between Heaven and earth seems to part and a...
July 25, 2020