Dear Sister,
Every year when the calendar comes to a close, I am shocked. I truly can’t believe that another year has come and gone. I feel like I was just the same person on January 1, 2024, as I am today.
And that slightly terrifies me.
“Never change!” the signatures on my high school yearbook called out in Sharpie and scribbled writing.
But . . . I want to change. I want to be purified by the God of the universe Who is the Holy One above all else. I want to be completely free from all my vices, my attachments, my fears, and the strongholds in my life.
I want to live a life free.
And freedom, to me, looks like a life without fear. It looks like a life without doubt. It looks like a life without attachments to social media and to Youtube and to food and drinking and to work and to all the things that confine me.
Freedom looks like a bird soaring above it all, liberated from the weight of the world to fly into the arms of her Savior, to fall into the arms of her Redeemer, to dance with the Lover of her soul.
Freedom looks like living.
And I want to live.
How about you?
So Lord, for all the times that You’ve asked us to change and we’ve been hesitant, afraid, or outright disobedient, we repent. And we ask You, Lord, to come into our hearts and to light up all the dark places, so that we can live (and fly) into Your marvelous light.
To flying,