for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Scripture Verses to Pray When You're Cold - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses to Pray When You're Cold

No matter where you live on the globe, winter brings with it a certain chill. For a time, this coolness can be calming and restful, inviting you to slow down,...
Bring Them to Mass, Anyway - Blessed Is She

Bring Them to Mass, Anyway

Based on the number of Catholic mommy Facebook groups I belong to, I know that no matter the age of your child and the circumstance of your life, there is...
The Fiat of Saint Joseph - Blessed Is She

The Fiat of Saint Joseph

One of the best things to have come out of this calendar year is an increase in the number of individuals with a devotion to Saint Joseph. I believe this...
Litany of Saints for Difficult Family Situations - Blessed Is She

Litany of Saints for Difficult Family Situations

November is here, the holidays are fast approaching, and that means that traditional social gatherings will be taking place. The majority of us spend the holidays with our families, and...
Litany of Saints for Single People - Blessed Is She

Litany of Saints for Single People

In my former experience as a single woman within the Church, I often felt alone and misunderstood. Most articles I read and homilies I heard on the subject encouraged me...
Litany of Saints for Teachers - Blessed Is She

Litany of Saints for Teachers

Over the course of a career, teachers are tasked with the important job of helping thousands of individuals develop their God-given gifts with which they will (hopefully) better society and...
Litany of Saints for Students - Blessed Is She

Litany of Saints for Students

In this day and age, education is a necessity. And as a necessity, it often causes a lot of stress and turmoil. Because of the strife, it’s sometimes hard to...
Sunday Fun for Faith-Filled Families - Blessed Is She

Sunday Fun for Faith-Filled Families

Four months into the monotony of working from home, I find myself asking the question at least once every twenty-four hours, “What day is it again?” My confusion is probably...
Patron Saints of Summer - Blessed Is She

Patron Saints of Summer

Summer is like a right of passage that marks each passing year. Bugs abound, dandelions, too, and everyone spends a little more time participating in activities that have a certain...
How to Name Your Baby (Catholic-Style) - Blessed Is She

How to Name Your Baby (Catholic-Style)

Names are an important thing, a truth that becomes all the more obvious as a parent trying to choose a name for your child the first time. Some have had...
How to Start Praying with Your Spouse (Finding What Works for You) - Blessed Is She

How to Start Praying with Your Spouse (Finding What Works for You)

Though not newlyweds, my husband and I are still fairly new to this whole marriage thing. Over the last three and a half years, we have realized over and over...
A (Postcard) Trip around the World - Blessed Is She

A (Postcard) Trip around the World

It wasn’t long ago that my dear sister was approaching her thirtieth birthday. A significant landmark in anyone’s life, Leigh wanted to mark the passage in some memorable way. “I...