Yes. I Do.
Today's Gospel, wow, Mary's Fiat. It's beautiful. There is so much here. So much is waging on this moment. What would the world be like if Mary said, "thanks, but no thanks"? . . . I would really not have held it against her; I mean her circumstances were far from ideal. The angel was not just asking Mary to do God a favor, he was asking Mary for her life. All of it. Complete trust.
In this moment God proposing. He is asking Mary to marry Him, to give her whole complete self to Him. A donation of self. A gift. Sacrifice. What does Mary do? SHE SAID YES! This was not only a proposal, but Mary's wedding day, where vows are exchanged, promises for eternity are given. What did Mary do? SHE SAID I DO! She is giving her consent to God with her "let it be done." I do want to be wholly yours. I do want to bring Your Son, Jesus, into the world. I do agree to live a life of joy and suffering for the betterment of God's kingdom. Mary gives her consent to being a part of the God's mission here on earth, but knows it cannot be done through her own power, but rather it is all about being drawn into the call God had for her life, so her response was "Let is be." Let me be drawn in. Let me be used as You see fit. Let Your work be done in me.
The power of this, "Yes, I do, let it be" has echoed through the centuries of human history. This one accepting action was the cause of our salvation. So much was at stake. She brought Jesus into this world by her "yes" to God.
God poses the same question to us, " ____ will you bring my Son, Jesus into the world?" We have the same opportunity to bring Christ into our world, our town, our home, our lives. He can be brought into any situation if your answer is "yes." What is at stake if you do give your "let it be"? What is at stake if you do not? What lives will be impacted by Jesus through you or which ones will miss that opportunity?
God will use us to fulfill His mission, just as He used Mary, but we first need to give our "yes." We need to give our consent. We need to let God work in us. Mary first had a transformation inside her body before she was fully able to bring Jesus out to the world. We too need to let ourselves be transformed by Christ on the inside—in our heart and mind, so we can bring Him out into the world we encounter everyday, with conviction, courage, and strength.
Mother Mary,
"Accept us! Look into our hearts! Accept our concerns and our hopes! Help us, you who are full of grace, to live in grace, to persevere in grace, and, if necessary, to return to the grace of the living God, which is man’s greatest and supernatural good.
Prepare us for your Son’s coming! Accept us! With our everyday problems, our weaknesses and deficiencies, our crises, and personal, family and social shortcomings. Do not let us lose goodwill! Do not let us lose sincerity of conscience and uprightness of behavior! With your prayer, obtain justice for us. Safeguard peace in the whole world!
In a short time we shall all leave this place. We wish, however, to return to our homes with this joyful certainty that you are with us, you, Mary Immaculate, you, chosen for centuries to be Mother of the Redeemer. Be with us. Be with Rome. Be with the Church and with the world. Amen."
(Prayer by St. Pope John Paul II)
Cassie Kent is a wifey, mommy, likes to get a little crafty and writes in her spare time on her blog-y. You can find out more about her here.