Why do we believe what we believe? Why do we choose to believe in Christ? What makes us pursue a life within the Church?
There are probably as many reasons why we believe as there are people who do believe. We are the beneficiaries of two thousand years of wisdom and Tradition found in the Church. There are so many facets of the Truth which the Church gives us that we can become attached to, that call to us, that speak to our life circumstances.
But I think if we asked every convert and every cradle Catholic who choose to live the faith everyday, the reasons they would give would not be grand and impressive theological arguments, but the intimate connection they have felt in their own hearts that God exists and loves them.
The still small voice that revealed God's existence and love to them, an almost indescribable encounter that left them knowing that God is real.
It is that personal voice of God deep within our hearts that give us real faith, that gives us the conviction needed to live out through the ups and downs of daily life.
It is just this experience that Nathaniel has today in the Gospel. Jesus only had to speak a few words to Nathaniel, saying He had seen him under that fig tree and from the very beginning of his life. Nathaniel knew in his heart instantly that this was the Lord. (John 1: 45-51)
And we experience this too, when we experience the real love of Christ in our hearts. It may only take one moment for us to know within our souls the true love Christ has for us. It may seem so inexplicable that it can change our complete outlook on life, but that is just what happened to Nathaniel.
Since Christ promises that we will witness miracles so much greater than His special words to our hearts, we should be filled with awe and wonder for that which He has planned for each of us.
It is that personal voice of God deep within our hearts that give us real faith.Click to tweet
Think back to that feeling of knowing Christ's love for you. That intimate relationship with Christ should be our inspiration to keep pursuing God's will in our lives today so that we can be with Him in Heaven.
Christy Isinger is a wife and mom to five lovely, loud children and lives in northern Canada. When not homeschooling, she is a devoted reader of English literature from Jane Austen to Agatha Christie. She writes about the beauty of faith, life, and the home at her blog and is the co-host of the Fountains of Carrots Podcast. You can find out more about her here.