“If you remain in My word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth.” // John 8:31-32
It’s a no-brainer that we live in a noisy world. Our lives can be filled with many distractions, both internally and externally. In our world of noise, it’s crucial for us to reflect on whose voice we are listening to. As I've experienced, it’s easy to give in to the lies that the enemy attempts to plant within our precious-daughter hearts—especially lies that emphasize the areas of ourselves that are most wounded or places of lingering insecurity.
In the verse for today’s Alleluia, Jesus reveals to His disciples that, “If you remain in My word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth” (John 8:31-32).
Sister, can I gently encourage you to sit with Him today and ask, What do You say about me? Spend time with Him in His loving presence—either meeting Him in your heart, in His words in Scripture, and/or in His presence in Eucharistic Adoration. The more you spend time with Him, the more you will know Who He is and who you are. Where the enemy wants to pick us and our wounds apart, Jesus wants to pick up those broken pieces of our hearts—and not just heal, but make them completely new. Where the enemy’s voice leaves us feeling shameful, the Lord’s voice rejuvenates our hearts and entire beings.
The Lord upholds the dignity of your heart and daughterhood. Go to Him and believe His words.
Lord, we love You and we praise You. May we, as Your beloved daughters, come to You for our healing, and allow the words of Your Heart take root in ours. May we know the Truth. Amen.