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In Heaven's Time - Blessed Is She

In Heaven's Time

Throughout my walk with the Lord, women have shared with me that the perfect man will come along right when I am not looking for him, or that Mr. Right...
September 28, 2018
His Throne Above Ours - Blessed Is She

His Throne Above Ours

I am obsessed with personality tests. You name the test and I have taken it, tormenting myself over the meticulous details of each prescribed strength and weakness. On this endeavor...
August 25, 2018
The Divinity of Generations - Blessed Is She

The Divinity of Generations

Two years ago, I made the decision to attend college in Washington D.C., across the country from everyone I knew and loved. After much crying in my car, He spoke...
June 24, 2018
The Miracle-Working God - Blessed Is She

The Miracle-Working God

My stubborn heart often has a hard time accepting the reality of things. For example, if someone hurts me, I will hold on to the fabricated, idealistic version of that...
March 11, 2018
The Walk of the Pharisee - Blessed Is She

The Walk of the Pharisee

Today's Gospel testifies to the reckless, unending mercy of the ever-so-generous Father and offers a profound declaration of who Jesus is. It is a call for repentance, new beginnings, and...
February 17, 2018
A Gospel for the Unborn - Blessed Is She

A Gospel for the Unborn

The Church sets aside today as a day of prayer for the legal protection of unborn children, marking forty-five years since the Supreme Court decision of Roe versus Wade. Jesus,...
January 22, 2018
A Father of His Promise - Blessed Is She

A Father of His Promise

This Gospel always makes my heart sing, as it is a glimpse of the Father’s intrinsic vision for women, who are invited to participate in the light of His promise....
December 21, 2017
We Are the Beggar - Blessed Is She

We Are the Beggar

A few weeks ago, I was approached in a coffee shop by a woman who had noticed the Scripture verse on the front of my t-shirt and felt prompted to...
November 20, 2017
A Beautifully Unfair God - Blessed Is She

A Beautifully Unfair God

“To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third, one—to each according to his ability.” (Matthew 25:15) At a young age, I mastered the art of comparison....
September 02, 2017
A Heart Divided - Blessed Is She

A Heart Divided

I vividly remember being in holy hour after my first week as a summer missionary at Covecrest, a Life Teen camp, subconsciously letting my prayer flow from a place of...
August 21, 2017
Your Yes is Enough - Blessed Is She

Your Yes is Enough

Oh, John 3:16. I see it plastered on Forever 21 bags, In-N-Out cups, and Instagram bios everywhere. When I was just beginning to know the Lord, I proudly had everyone's...
June 11, 2017