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For the World's Sorrows - Blessed Is She

For the World's Sorrows

My heart ached for them. A family I loved was fractured and breaking under weight of personal sin. My job was simply to love them through it. I couldn’t fix...
September 15, 2021
The More We Love - Blessed Is She

The More We Love

The sparse hospice room was lit with filtered light, and the hall was empty. There was only the sound of the shallow breath of my loved one laying near, his...
August 30, 2021
Reconciliation Can Be Found - Blessed Is She

Reconciliation Can Be Found

I was shaking with self-righteous furry as I looked at the text thread. Did he really just say that? How could a grown man put those words together in a...
August 12, 2021
Wondrous Deeds for You - Blessed Is She

Wondrous Deeds for You

A friend told my husband that we had changed. He didn’t say it as though it was a good thing. Since my conversion we had become "too religious." I think...
July 13, 2021
Jesus Said It Three Times - Blessed Is She

Jesus Said It Three Times

Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Jesus says this three times in today’s Gospel, Matthew 10:24-33. When Jesus says things once we should listen....
July 10, 2021
Remain Hopeful and Be Encouraged - Blessed Is She

Remain Hopeful and Be Encouraged

Many years ago, someone close to me was involved in a serious car accident. It changed her life dramatically as she suffered a closed-head injury as well as other serious...
June 07, 2021
Lineage and Legacy - Blessed Is She

Lineage and Legacy

As I look at the date on the calendar, I feel a squeezing in my heart. My oldest graduates from high school this weekend. The emotion isn’t so much pain...
May 28, 2021
Remaining in God's Light - Blessed Is She

Remaining in God's Light

I am a rule follower by nature. It seems to be woven into my DNA. For a very brief time period in my late teens, I tried to be rebellious....
May 06, 2021
Real Rest, Planned Rest - Blessed Is She

Real Rest, Planned Rest

Around here Sundays are for a lot of things—celebration of the Mass, household chores, meeting with friends at the park for a little soccer, or, in my case, frequently catching...
April 03, 2021
Pushing Back on My Pride - Blessed Is She

Pushing Back on My Pride

“Mom, are we going to pray?” “Oh oops, let’s do that now,” I reply hastily as I take a deep breath and let their words center me, humble me, and...
March 16, 2021
Living in Endurance - Blessed Is She

Living in Endurance

Baking and praying. This is how I cope. I realize this as I sift and mix, wiping flour from my fingertips. Recently bad news seems to accompany every phone call...
February 03, 2021
Release It in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Release It in Prayer

I first began attending Mass when I was in my late teens. I was smitten with a handsome Catholic guy who was serious enough about his faith that he attended...
January 18, 2021