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The Healing of Reconciliation - Blessed Is She

The Healing of Reconciliation

Little beads of sweat gathered on my forehead. I wasn’t sure if I could do this. I’d been to Confession before, but it wasn’t until recently that God was beckoning...
February 24, 2021
Now Is the Time - Blessed Is She

Now Is the Time

I laughed when I saw the two laundry room signs at Hobby Lobby: “Sort later” and “Wash tomorrow.” I bought them and hung them on the wall because they accurately...
January 24, 2021
Let's Talk Saint Joseph - Blessed Is She

Let's Talk Saint Joseph

“I just finished a thirty-day novena to Saint Joseph, and it was amazing,” she gushed. I smiled and thought, Wow, that’s impressive considering I’ve started numerous nine-day novenas and only...
December 18, 2020
What Do You Actually Need? - Blessed Is She

What Do You Actually Need?

I stared out the window as tiny flakes of ash fell from a smoky sky. Living in California, you become accustomed to fire season, but this fire was getting too...
November 20, 2020
Prayer in a Time of Dryness - Blessed Is She

Prayer in a Time of Dryness

It feels good to open the Bible, read Scripture, close my eyes, and let the Holy Spirit speak to my heart. You see, it’s been awhile since I’ve done that....
October 20, 2020
God Knows Our Hearts - Blessed Is She

God Knows Our Hearts

I nervously bit my lip as I waited in line for Confession. I had just gone a couple of weeks before, but I was struggling with a certain sin and...
September 02, 2020
Change My Heart, Lord - Blessed Is She

Change My Heart, Lord

I saw her across the courtyard and our eyes met. We smiled politely and went about our business. She was an acquaintance, and I didn’t know her well. From our...
August 16, 2020
You Can Be Brave - Blessed Is She

You Can Be Brave

I was absentmindedly deleting old messages on my phone when my Mom’s text thread popped up. My finger hovered over the screen as I debated over rereading our last texts....
July 14, 2020
We Live to Love - Blessed Is She

We Live to Love

I closed my eyes and sighed. I wanted five minutes, just five minutes to myself when I didn’t have to answer questions, explain a math concept, clean a dirty pan,...
June 23, 2020
An Offering of Love - Blessed Is She

An Offering of Love

The night seemed quiet, but the dreadful voices of anger and pain in my head refused to let me sleep. I didn’t know how much more I could take before...
April 10, 2020