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He Loved Us First - Blessed Is She

He Loved Us First

I loved my son from the blessed moment I found out he was within my womb. Through each day of my pregnancy, his first breaths in my arms, those sacred...
January 07, 2021
Was It the Worst? - Blessed Is She

Was It the Worst?

Well, sisters, we made it. It’s the last day of 2020. What. A. Year. Can I get an amen? For better or for worse, 2020 was a year filled to...
December 31, 2020
Great Banquet Invite - Blessed Is She

Great Banquet Invite

Ping ping! Hearing the familiar sound, I tapped the screen of my phone to see a message from a respected friend: “How can I be praying for you?” I paused...
November 03, 2020
Your Guardian Angel, a Generous Warrior - Blessed Is She

Your Guardian Angel, a Generous Warrior

When my not-so-stable toddler is running downhill on a cracked old concrete path: oh, please—hold her up! After my son wakes a third time in the night from yet another...
October 02, 2020
Blessed Be His Name - Blessed Is She

Blessed Be His Name

I felt like the rug had been ripped out from under me. My son’s beloved school closed its doors for the foreseeable future. A carefree stop at the grocery store...
September 28, 2020
Sacred Names, Sacred Closeness - Blessed Is She

Sacred Names, Sacred Closeness

“Love you, Liz,” my mother called as we walked out the door. “Love you, too, Momma,” I replied. My then-boyfriend (now-husband) whispered, “Did she just call you ‘Liz’? Does she...
July 22, 2020
You Share Yours, I Share Mine - Blessed Is She

You Share Yours, I Share Mine

“I don’t really believe in God,” my friend explained, “I believe in a higher power who is watching over us.” We continued to walk down the main street of our...
June 03, 2020