“A sower went out to sow. [ . . . ] But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” // Matthew 13:3, 8
God’s grace is abundant. This is a simple truth we all know, for the most part. We know it comes to us in many ways—through prayer, through the Sacraments, through our own vocation, and even through hidden, everyday means. The mystery and wonder of the grace of God knows no bounds. It can reveal truth to the blind and heal the lame. It can sanctify, purify, and renew. A seemingly magic fount, yet a reality beyond comprehension, that can be readily tapped by us who so desperately desire this transforming power, by a God Who so generously gives His grace to us.
But are we ready for it? Much like the rocky ground in the parable of the sower from today’s Gospel (see Matthew 13:1-9), our hearts can be brittle. And while the grace of God still freely flows into us, there is no rich soil for it to penetrate. We remain callous and distant, and oftentimes, unmoved.
Maybe this is the reminder for us today, sister. That we need to have souls ready for the influx of grace as it comes. We need to dig deep to uproot the weeds of vice. We need to purify ourselves in prayer and sacrifice to till the soil of our hearts. We need to feed ourselves with truth and prayer and God Himself in the Holy Eucharist. We need to water our souls in the practice of the virtues and expose our hearts to the sunshine of our divine filiation. And then, when grace pours in, our hearts will be ready to receive it, and we will be changed.
Lord, help us to turn our hard places into fertile ground so You can sanctify us, and, in turn, the hearts of those around us.