December 23, 2024 // Optional Memorial of Saint John of Kanty, Priest
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s First Reading: Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24
Reflect on the Word // As we began to settle into our home, I decided what to keep and what to donate or discard. My desire to create a refuge for family, friends, and whomever God might bring to our door influenced my reasoning as I tackled another box of household items, which I’d not seen for the past year and a half. The sight of a bedraggled stuffed animal my husband had long ago given me for Valentine’s Day elicited mixed emotions. The bear would be refused as a donation. Considering I’d not once thought of him while he’d been packed away, it was clear that “Sir Valentine” was destined for the dumpster.
There is an urgency in the prophet Micah’s message today which is not unlike my compelling desire to prepare my home for family and guests. As Advent concludes, the Lord’s coming is at hand. We’re called to examine our hearts once again. “But who will endure the day of his coming? And who can stand when he appears? For he is like the refiner's fire, or like the fuller's lye?” (Malachi 3:2)
This isn’t a threat (although we cannot withstand purification without God’s mercy). It’s a promise. When we submit to His purifying grace, the Lord burns away the impurities in our souls. Even the little things. Our hearts are meant to shine like gold or silver. The Lord makes white again our sin-stained baptismal garment. The cleansing He brings results in the beauty of pure gold, shining silver, and shimmering white cloth.
Sister, if we feel unprepared for Christmas, we can take heart. The liturgical season of Advent serves, like Saint John the Baptist, to prepare our hearts to receive God Incarnate! Let’s trust the Church’s preparation at work in us. Trust resolutely that whatever purifying grace is available in the Sacraments and through our private prayer during these final hours of Advent enables us to welcome Christ more fully into our hearts and to shine brightly in the unique mission He has given us.
Relate to the Lord // How is the Lord purifying your heart this Advent?
O Antiphon:
O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law:
come to save us, Lord our God!