I am a middle-child. With that title comes some stereotypical attributes that describe me beautifully. I am a peacekeeper, empathetic, independent, can be a little socially insecure, and I avoid conflict. And today’s readings make me just a little nervous.
When I joined the fullness of the Faith ten years ago, our RCIA director mentioned that our conversion would make others uncomfortable.
My husband was my sponsor, and we attended the RCIA classes as date night for most of a year. The process was a catechetical renewal for my husband and gave us both a much need spark. Actually it was more like pouring gasoline on an open flame. We opened our lives to NFP, started praying together, and began to trust in the Lord in a way that we hadn’t imagined possible. We began to not just believe in the faith, but to practice it during the week.
Some people in my life did see leaving my childhood church as a betrayal of my past. Our relationships with people who didn't share our faith started to falter. We had changed. We weren’t judging others, but our continual 'yes' to God made other people uncomfortable.
Being a disciple of Jesus is reflected in our daily actions. It isn’t in the words as much as it is in the deeds. I wasn’t inviting my atheist friends to church or warning people of the dangers of chemical contraception. I was simply choosing to develop a relationship with Jesus and do what He said. But my very being, my love for the Eucharist, and my 'yes' to Jesus, caused conflict. That was hard.
Being a disciple means saying 'yes' you will do something even though it is hard, like seeing relationships change.
Jesus says to the Twelve in today's Gospel, “Fear no one. Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, or secret that will not be know.” Opening yourself to true transformation in Christ may make others uncomfortable (especially you middle children), but maybe it’s time to grow through those feelings. Being a disciple means seeking answers to what we teach and what we say we believe, so that we can internalize those teachings and let them transform our souls.
Trust God and His Church even when you don’t understand. The teachings of our faith equip and inform us as we travel the path of holiness. Come with me. Let Him change your life. Join the path that leads to Him.
*Blessed is She will be offering small group study guides in the fall. Find some fellow sisters in Christ and get your group together. The path doesn’t have to be a lonely one. Find out more here.
MaryRuth Hackett is Director of Operations for Blessed is She. She loves historical fiction, dark chocolate, watching her children play soccer, a good cup of coffee (decaf please) and the quiet of the early morning. She holds a PhD in Educational Psychology and has a passion for helping parents understand the way their children grow and develop. You can find out more about her here.